Hard Ops / Boxcutter Ultimate Bundle

by TeamC in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 119 ratings by the community.

  • kuei
    over 2 years ago


  • Douglas Crabtree
    almost 3 years ago

    This is what creation is about!!

  • Maksym Shvernenko
    almost 3 years ago

    Changes the way you use Blender forever.
    Has somewhat of a learning curve, but completely worth the time investment.
    Lets you just ctrl + space fullscreen that 3D view and get it going. I model much MUCH faster with this tool than with anything else. The only thing I can really compare it to in terms of speed of workflow is fully customized Moi3D, but that one is highly desctructive and this one potentially lets you adapt a much less sacrificial workflow, which is sometimes a good thing.
    As a side note, the person representing this product, Jerry Perkins, is a wonderful source of information and has a very informative channel on YouTube, definitely check it out!
    Thank you to the wonderful programmers who made this tool, I believe it changed and continues to change Blender's ecosystem like nothing else.

  • Noume
    almost 3 years ago

    Great tool, i use it a lot

  • Julien
    almost 3 years ago

    Everything has already been said about those addons. You don't use yet ? What are you waiting for ?

  • Shep
    almost 3 years ago

    At the time of this review, I haven't really gotten in to the HardOps portion of this bundle, but I do expect I shall make good use of it once I get a handle on what all it does. I'll be talking on BoxCutter as well as support.

    The only issue I've really found is the lack of information for what happens if you do not use Blender using default keymaps. With support's help, I learned that you do need to restart Blender after installing the addon. If you don't, it won't do any of the advertised cutting and you'll be banging your head on a wall in frustration. But after all that I've found BoxCutter to be a smooth addition to my workflow, shaving time off the modeling. If you keep non-destructive mode enabled, you can fine tune the cutter meshes at any point to keep your models laser-perfect.

    I look forward to learning how to integrate HardOps into my workflow as well.

  • Eren
    almost 3 years ago

    Sometimes, you don't prefer to go with certain workflow. Sometimes what you have in your hands has you feel that you aren't able to access necessary things because they are time consuming to mess with. You knew that these are there waiting to be looked at. Once you have all the tools in your one hand. Now they are much more incentive to make use of. That easiness of availability helps us use some tools in a more efficient way. That is what this addon promises. I am not a fan of box modelling. Most of the guys using this addon makes products using booleans and they are not pushing their designs further. Of course, there are some limitations with booleans. I thought I could use remesher with booleans in blender. In 3ds Max, you can do that-3ds Max's default remesher is nearly perfect. What we know certain is the direction we need to take which is a decent remesher program allowing us to have perfect quad meshes after boolean operations is done so that we can move our designs forward.
    If you are a beginner. Just skip it.
    If you spent enough time modelling, not worrying about modelling a wide range of objects, give it a try. It is worth it.

  • blend3d
    almost 3 years ago


  • MiaZ
    almost 3 years ago

    Top tool of blender

  • Alexander Schellekens
    about 3 years ago

    Absolute must have!

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Sales 34900+
Customer Ratings 119
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 6 years ago
Blender Version 2.9, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License GPL
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