Team Csharp
over 4 years ago
Thanks for your insights. It's truly a struggle to please everyone but there is also a playlist broken up for easier understanding.
When it comes to dealing with sharps and sub-d this video is recommended and may be assistive.
This video explains our approach to crease.
Watching an 8 hour video is obviously not intended. It's probably only for the most insane of people.The goal was avoiding uploading 93 minis to my main channel. HOPScutter is a community effort with a community aimed to supercharge your learning experience. By utilizing the support channels you could have received answers in a fraction of the time of this review.
If you have particular content you have videos on by all means please leave comments and they will be addressed orderly. I aim to provide top class support so squeaky wheels and all that. Anyways I am glad to hear of your experience. We will do more to try and facilitate it in the future. But for now I can only hope the above links should get you on the path of resolution.
Hope to see you around!