Render Manager Addon Renderset

by polygoniq in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 30 ratings by the community.

  • Alex
    5 months ago

    If you're an archviz artist like me this is definitely a must have!

    I use it to render massive batches of stills at once.
    The ability to save almost any parameter per view is absolutely amazing, besides saving the light setup and camera settings you can also save other things such as the position of trees, people or other assets.
    With this tool there is no need for splitting views into separate files anymore, this saves a ton of hard drive space.
    Batch rendering works great with custom paths and names, this is also a major time saver.

    Kudos to the team, great work on this one!

  • John Christian
    6 months ago

    Renderset 2.0 makes blender more powerful! Before I would manually separate every element in a scene in order to have different composition alternatives or for later compositing. Then I would render it , wait and re-render again with different elements, only to completely forget what I had chosen to tick on/off or render previously, getting tangled up in a real mess. Not particularly comfortable with render layers in the compositor either tbh. Renderset 2.0 just takes all that pain away. I had some bugs to start with, but that was resolved within hours thanks to the quick developer team. It does what it say it does, is easy to use and the support is brilliant. It's going to save me weeks of tedious work in the future. Hats off

  • Matt Mitacek
    6 months ago

    I was waiting for an add-on like this for ages! Coming from C4D, Renderset exceeds it's Takes. I love the posibility of automatic file naming and an opportunity for different render settings and frame range for each context. Since 2.0 is out, it's part of every project I'm working on. Also the customer support is awesome. Thanks Polygoniq!

  • Oliver Burger
    6 months ago

    An Essential Tool for Every Blender Artist โ€“ I use Renderset daily, and Iโ€™m convinced itโ€™s the best solution for rendering extensive projects in Blender. The ability to manage different settings, output sizes, and exposure adjustments has saved me countless hours of work. The support team on Discord is also incredibly friendly, quick, and solution-oriented. They successfully resolved an issue I had with the latest release on my Mac version of the extension.

    100% recommended!

  • Ziad
    6 months ago

    Simple, Fast, Easy and handy! I can say its an addon blender users must have to save time for variations, pack files on the go and more!

    I hope to see this addon used by Studios in the future you cannot let that pass!

  • Corniger
    6 months ago

    Archviz? No brainer.

    Archviz on an old machine is even less productive when you have to switch camera angles, disable assets and, most of all, only render during daytime when you'd actually need to use your workstation - otherwise, have fun guessing when the next render finishes at night, or set up the addon "Render notify" to wake you up every time.

    With RenderSet pro, you set up a camera angle per camera, activate/deactivate what needs to be rendered (saving time, energy and memory), move on to the next angle and while you snore off, all of the above is taken care of - extremely simplified. It can do much, much more.

    Also, TurboTools is compatible - after a bit of whining from my side, compatibility was implemented perfectly.

    Almost 3 years ago, this was the 2nd addon I bought at BM. It has literally saved me countless hours and without it, I probably wouldn't have made a single deadline.

    A rather valuable addition would be storing the daytime value - that was the only thing still putting the breaks on me, since certain angles require different daytimes to look good, so addons like TrueSky, relying on daytime to set their effect, would work unhindered. I'll just leave that here :-D

  • Karel
    6 months ago

    I use it everyday. Thanks to renderset my work is organized and very efficient. It saves me a lot of time= money.

  • yantan
    8 months ago

    Favorite addon in blender, looking forward to more new features!

  • Peter13
    about 1 year ago

    This addon has proven to be one of my best purchases. It makes rendering complex animations, involving numerous collections and layers, as well as seamless switching between them, a task that would be nearly impossible without it. Excellent work on this addon, thanks!

  • ML
    about 1 year ago

    Hi, I have this addon for several years and I have to admit that it's a real time saver and so easy to use. The only missing thing in my opinion is the fact that we can not batch several scenes at the same time. I think it would be very useful to be able to render all the cameras from all scenes, that would be awsome. Do you think this could be an update in future release ? Thank you guys for your work.

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  • non-commercial single-seat license +future updates

  • commercial multi seat license, 2 showcase scenes +future updates

  • commercial single seat license, 1 showcase scene +future updates


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Sales 1800+
30 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL