Pupa Animate Pro

by Luwizart in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 3 from 13 ratings by the community.

  • Som Render
    about 1 year ago

    It sounds cool but it doesn't with 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5
    not a 50$ addon in opinion.

  • Stephen Jones
    about 1 year ago

    Hopeless. The face metarig has cheek bones that cross from the left to the right. Nothing like rigify face rig. The control rig cannot be generated because there is an issue with the script and the eye, even though all the dots were put where they should. Retargeting to Autorig is not fixed, as some of the videos claim.
    The guy who runs the shop does not respond. I repeat the reviews of Stefan and Jonas. Run a mile.

  • Stefan
    over 1 year ago

    Even though everything was made as per documentation I wasn't able to create a rigging/animation without serious issues.... Use the Human Generator Standard Human as well as the integrated tool for animation transfer - the outcome will make you laugh and cry at the same time - i feel scammed

  • Jonas
    over 1 year ago

    Not Working but cost 50€

  • RBG
    over 1 year ago

    Reaaly cool addon, I managed to use it with my daz characters so this is a time saver for me. The only thing I would say is that motions are for actions, fantasy, sports... so I really hope that a future update will add some simple social motions (working on device, using screen tablette, I found these motions on mixamo but didn't manage to apply them to my daz characters by myself. Another fantastic idea of update would be to have the possibility to enrich the animation library with my own animations. And with a special upgrade price to the ancient customers ;-). Thank you for having creating this!

  • Bernard
    over 1 year ago

    No compatible with blender 3.4 !!!! "Apply this animation" doesn't work ... I wrote to support and sent an email to the author for several days but no response ; not very correct and that's a shame because the addon would be fine if it worked completely !

  • Michael
    over 1 year ago

    I asked the developer if I could retarget imported Daz3D rigged character to custom rigify rigs. He assured me it is possible and wanted to provide a video. On that basis alone I purchased the addon. He never delivered, retargeting does not work. NO troubleshooting/support from the developer whatsoever. NO response after the purchase. Also, I wanted specifically everyday poses, motions etc. Not sword fights etc. He wouldn't provide me with a list of animations when asked. After the purchase I noticed that almost all animations are from MIXAMO!!! They are identical! This product is not worth your money, the developer does not deserve your time. On the contrary, he is wasting your time in a bunch of ways.

  • hokyoung
    over 1 year ago

    It makes weird things and not work well. Rigged poor and doesn't match other programs

  • andres parra
    over 1 year ago

    Hello everyone, I'm a junior user of the rigging process of an organic character, because my specialty is other processes of the final composition and themes with 3D but usually not organic, and I want to leave a record here I just thank the creator of this Addon, the more I get into a project with rigging needs, the more I realize the strengths of this Addon, therefore I am much more than satisfied because I immediately had some doubts and some failures due to my ignorance, they gave me personalized, effective, extensive support and enough demonstrating the time that is taken in the attention to detail, something that clearly evidences the addon itself, not anyone would have responded to my request in such a personalized way, I repeat it is a very powerful and complete tool, I I thank you for paying attention to me and I am 5000% satisfied with the support received and with this complete and powerful addon, it is worth every penny, if you had If you have any doubts, I hope I have been clear for you to decide that this is the rigging tool that my colleagues need, great job!

  • Yugo Risfriwan
    over 1 year ago

    a true life saver! can quickly add realistic motion to a lot of characters with just a click

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Sales 400+
Customer Ratings 13
Average Rating
Published almost 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
License Creative Commons
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