Marking Menus V1.0.1
__if you are using 2.93 please use the version 1.0.2 of the addon, if under, use 1.0.1 :)__
Marking menus are pie menus that pop up with a simple shortcut and let you access different actions very fast! They are extremely useful in Autodesk Alias and make a lot of sense in Blender as well. Instead of having to move your hand around the keyboard, you can just leave your hand around CTRL and SHIFT and use one of the 3 mouse buttons to get one of the menus!
To use the menus is really simple:
_install the addon
_activate it
_in the 3D view, press CTRL + SHIFT + one of the 3 mouse buttons
They are built according to my modeling process, separated the menus in 3 categories:
_1, left mouse button:
pick menu, it lets you switch between Object mode and Edit mode very fast, as well as changing the selection mode in Edit mode
_2, middle mouse button:
action menu, this one is contextual, it changes depending of your mode
_3, right mouse button:
interface menu, let you change the gizmo visibility, show faces orientation, hide overlays etc...
One specificity of the Middle mouse button menu in Edit mode is the MODIFIERS sub-menu, which adds modifiers with already some tweaks, for instance:
_mirror modifier has clipping enabled by default
_subdivision surface create a level 3 subdiv modifier the first time and then toggles between low and high poly
_bevel creates a 2 segments bevel with a weight of 1
_shrinkwrap and boolean are both taking the selection order into account, so the shrinkwrap will be done on the last selected with the previous one selected as guide, the boolean will cut the last selected with the previous one
This script is done for me in the first place, but if it can help you as well it's perfect!
Any feedback on this would be a great help for me to improve the script, so if you see weird things happening, scripting advices or tools you really miss, please contact me.
Also, if you want custom marking menus we can talk about it, this won't be for free though! ;)
I hope you will enjoy this script!
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interface menus modeling Modeling tools automotive script efficient design