Friendly Pivot For Blender

by Roy in Addons


It's recommended to remove previously installed addon before the installation!

  • Downloaded file, then

  • Start Blender, then Edit → User Preferences → Add-ons tab,

  • Press 'Install' button and locate and select downloaded friendly_pivot zip file,

  • Activate the addon, save user settings,

  • Check duplicate shortcut warning in the addon's preference window,

  • Close preferences and restart Blender.


Select object or if you in edit mode, press and hold D(invoke key by default, changeable) and hover mouse cursor above desire object component, press LMB to conform Pivot Transform Orientation or RMB to transform Origin to highlighted component. In addition while pressing D key press and hold S key when click LMB to set Origin at the same time and position. Or while pressing D key press and hold C key to set 3D Cursor position when click RMB. Simple.

Known issue
  • The addon in BETA and work well but could be errors. 
  • With negative object scale conformed axis flipped and preview loss orientation.
  • If release invoke key while MMB the addon continues to highlight components and preview local axis. Just press invoke key again to stop the issue.
  • If press LMB+RMB it imprints component's conform in viewport.
  • "Edit Mode On" setting do not guarantee proper work with some modifiers when On in Edit Mode.


If there is an existed error, please press Report a Bug button in Blender preference Friendly Pivot addon's section.

  • $15
  • $130
  • $240

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Sales 700+
24 ratings
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type N/A
License GPL