Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library

by Joris in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 9 ratings by the community.

  • BMV
    7 months ago

    These are excellent quality rigs and the animations contained within are a superb start in bringing the creatures to life.

    • Joris van Laar

      7 months ago

      I am humbled by your words, thank you for your kind review!

  • monk1983
    12 months ago

    Auto-Rig Pro for Animals streamlines character rigging in Blender, facilitating seamless animation with customizable rigs tailored specifically for diverse animal models.

    • Joris van Laar

      12 months ago

      I appreciate your rating, thank you so much!

  • Robert Green
    about 1 year ago

    These animal rigs are very nice! I already used the dog for one of my characters and it worked great.

    • Joris van Laar

      about 1 year ago

      That’s awesome, thank you Robert!

  • Alpamys
    about 1 year ago

    Ұнады. Керегін алдым. Рахмет!

    • Joris van Laar

      about 1 year ago

      Good to hear you like the rig library!

  • allan
    over 1 year ago

    Bonjour, merci pour cette merveilleuse librairie, j'ai cependant une question, ici j'utilise le dragon, mais, votre dragon compte 5 doigts et mon mesh dragon lui en a 6 comment puis je l'ajouter en gardant les même option que les autres doigts?
    D'avance merci.

    • Joris van Laar

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you for your rating, I’ve used Google Translate to translate your message, so apologies for any potential miscommunication.

      As for the 6 fingers, I’m bound by the limitations of the Auto-Rig Pro rigging system which only provides a max of 5 fingers, my apologies.
      You could add custom bones to the rig. I have a tutorial about this on the Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library YouTube channel.
      But the custom bone won’t have the exact same options as the finger bones of the ARP system.

      I hope you understand and would like to ask you to reconsider your rating, as it is of big impact on how users perceive the addon.

  • Christine
    over 1 year ago

    I don't know too much about rigging but this add-on is easy to use and helped me with an ostrich.

    • Joris van Laar

      over 1 year ago

      I’m glad it was of use to you!

  • Asseto
    over 1 year ago

    Good job!

    • Joris van Laar

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you so much!

  • Maarten
    over 1 year ago

    Great rigs. Very useful and also great pick of animals from so many animals to chose from. Love that there are special controls for things like rotating the tail of the shark etc. and the animations are very useful to quickly check the binding of a rigged animal and to quickly understand the rig. Or even as reference on characteristic walk traits of the animal. Good job, great idea, very well executed and highly recommended. Like Kettnotter said also great to expand you horizon to learn how to animate animals after animating humans!

    • Joris van Laar

      over 1 year ago

      You’ve made my day, thank you!

  • Kettenotter
    almost 2 years ago

    Can highly recommend this if you need more rig presets!

    Or even if you want to learn to animate and want some references.
    There is only one animation per rig but instead of some stiff placeholder animation they have a professional quality. (as far as I can tell with my limited experience) The hip is rotating, you can see the mass of the animal. The feet of the mouse for example move incredible quick like you would expect to see in a real animal. In comparison the Apatosaurus (long neck) has a slow gate and looks like he has to fight gravity in every step.

    In the future I would like to see more animations (run, walk, idle) but this is of course not a small task with so many rigs.

    • Joris van Laar

      almost 2 years ago

      Thank you for your kind words!

  • Displaying 9 ratings

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  • 25 rigs + animations

  • 25 rigs (no animation)


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Sales 1700+
9 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type N/A
License Royalty Free