Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library

by Joris in Addons

How do I add a custom prop bone to a rig? For example a weapon bone that's a child of a hand bone.

Please have a look at this YouTube tutorial I made.

How can I turn on stretchy arms/legs for my rig?

Stretchy arms/legs are turned off by default in order for the rigs to be game engine compatible. 

But these are the steps to turn on stretchy arms/legs:

  • Stretchy FK arms/legs
    Pose Mode > select the hand/foot controller > Tool tab > adjust the Stretch Length (FK) value.

  • Stretchy IK arms/legs
    Pose Mode > select the hand/foot controller > Tool tab > adjust the Stretch Length (IK) value.

    Alternatively, you can turn on the Auto Stretch property. When you move the hand/foot IK controller, the arm/leg will automatically stretch.
Why is my model pink?

Because Blender can't find its textures.
Go to File > External Data > Find Missing Files > navigate to the textures folder

How do I add a custom bone to my rig?

Please have a look at this video tutorial.

How do I add extra limbs (i.e. legs/arms/ears etc.) to my rig?

Auto-Rig Pro add-on > Edit Reference Bones > select a limb from the Add Limb dropdown > Match To Rig

How do I correctly remove a bone chain from my rig?

Auto-Rig Pro add-on > Edit Reference Bones > select a bone in the desired chain > Disable > Match To Rig

Some channels in the Graph Editor give an error.

This happens when you change the amount of bones in a limb to a SMALLER amount of bones. The channels of the bones that have been removed will give an error in the Graph Editor. You can simply select all these channels and delete them.

How can I append or link a rig into my scene?

First of all, for both methods make sure that in the Outliner your model is placed within the root collection of your rig.

  • Appending (creating a copy of the rig):
    File > Append > browse to the rig file on your computer and double-click it > Collection > select the root collection of the rig (the one with only the name of the rig, so NOT the collections rigname_cs and rigname_grp_rig) > Append.

  • Linking (creating a reference to the rig source file):
    - File > Link > browse to the rig file on your computer and double-click it > Collection > select the root collection of the rig (the one with only the name of the rig, so NOT the collections rigname_cs and rigname_grp_rig) > Link
    - Object Mode > Object > Relations > Make Library Override
    - Note that you can’t edit a linked rig. You will need to do that in the rig source file.

Please be aware that in Blender a rig can reference only one action. So when you bring in a rig (through appending or linking) that contains multiple animations,  it will only contain the action that is active in the original rig file.

How do I adjust the number of bones in a chain?

Auto-Rig Pro add-on > Edit Reference Bones > select a bone in the desired chain > Limb Options > change the amount of bones > Match To Rig

Note that when you change the bones to a HIGHER amount, those extra bones won't contain any keyframes/animation.

Why do I get the error message "Warning, armature scale will be set to 1 (Init Scale is enabled), but some scale keyframes were found."?

You probably had Auto Keying on when you scaled the rig, thus creating scale keyframes.
Be sure to turn off Auto Keying when scaling a rig.

What is the purpose of the block-mesh that comes with every rig?

It can be used as a reference for the placement of bones within your own model, and also acts as a visual guide when scaling the rig.
But it is safe to delete if you don't need it.

The animations of the rig are suddenly gone in the Action Editor.

Make sure to turn on the Fake User shield for all the actions of a rig.
When you don't turn on Fake User for the actions, it can happen that Blender will remove them when re-opening the .blend file.

How does the Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library work?

Please have a look at this workflow video tutorial.

How do I install the Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library?

Unzip the zipfile that you download from Blender Market and follow the Install Notes.

Do you have a list with the specific animations that are included in the Complete Version?
  1. Allosaur - walk
  2. Apatosaurus - walk
  3. Bear - walk
  4. Bird - fly
  5. Cat - walk
  6. Cow - walk
  7. Crab - walk
  8. Dog - run
  9. Dolphin - swim
  10. Dragon - fly
  11. Duck - walk
  12. Elephant - walk
  13. Giraffe - walk
  14. Gorilla - walk
  15. Horse - gallop
  16. Human - walk, run
  17. Kangaroo - jump
  18. Lizard - walk
  19. Mouse - run
  20. Ostrich - run
  21. Pig - trot
  22. Shark - swim
  23. Snake - slither
  24. Spider - walk
  25. Turtle - walk
Why does my rig not have any animation?

Only the Complete Version of the rig library includes animations with the rigs.
Also make sure you're using Blender 3.0 or up, and Auto-Rig Pro 3.68.12 or up.

You need to open the Action Editor in Blender and there you can select the animations (aka actions) in the dropdown menu. By default the 'CharacterName_default' action is active.

Why are the rigs animated on 30fps and not 24fps?

Because all the rigs have been setup with export to a game engine (Unreal/Unity) in mind. A frame rate of 30fps is the standard for game animation.

What is the difference between V1 and V2?

V1 supports:

  • Blender 3.0 - 3.6.5
  • Auto-Rig Pro 3.68.12 - 3.68.83

V2 supports:

  • Blender 4.0+
  • Auto-Rig Pro 3.69.10+

You receive both versions with your purchase.

  • 25 rigs + animations

  • 25 rigs (no animation)


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Sales 1700+
9 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type N/A
License Royalty Free