Automated 7-Segment Display Shader For Cycles And Eevee
How to use?
- Add a plane, make sure it has a UV map.
- Append/link the 7-segment material from the Blender file you have downloaded
- Adjust the parameters.
Parameter overview:
- Shader: It has the whole material set up.
- Mask: Outputs a B&W mask of all the segments.
- Emit: Outputs a B&W mask of the lit segments.
- Emission color: This is the main color of the digits displayed
- Background color: The color of the surface that isn't part of the segments
- Segment color: the color of the unlit segments
- Number to display: Set the number you want to display here. Use keyframes if you want it animated
- Whole number places: How many whole number digits to display
- Decimal places: How many decimal number digits to display
- Emission Strength: The strength of the emission
- Skew: Sets the inclination of the digit(s). A positive value inclines it to the right, a negative one inclines it to the left.
- Surface roughness: Set the roughness (or glossiness) of the surface. Similar to the roughness of a Principled BSDF node.
- Bump strength: Applies a bump map to the segment, to make them "carved".
- Segment Smoothness: Makes the the segments look sharp or smooth. A value of 0 makes it perfectly sharp, while values closer to 1 makes it smoother.