
by Synthomesh in Addons

What is XENOS ? 

Xenos is a drawing tool for blender but smooth and simple to use.  

Start Xenos, click draw, and you are ready to draw organic smoothy shapes in 3D. Tuned to be smooth and fun.

I like and use procedural tools ( a lot ), but when you want to create things, the drawing way stay unique. A direct connexion from your hand to the screen !


- 4 radius presets

- Settings for voxels size and smoothing

- Settings for managing points of the curves  ( delete, transform, modify radius of a selection of points )

Because Xenos uses curves, it is pressure sensitive ( use the IIII preset for better control )

Can be a great combo with the Metaballify addon for mad creators :

Here a quick example of a weird shape created with xenos augmented with Metaballify in few clicks.


xENOS is also included in the hIVE Bundle. The complete bundle of Synthomesh addons. 

For more information : https://blendermarket.com/products/hive---all-the-toys-in-a-bundle


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Sales 90+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1
License GPL
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