Wooden Barrel
How to import the asset:
- Unpack the .zip-file you downloaded from the site
- Go into the destination project and click on "File" > "Append" , then navigate to the folder you unpacked it into
- In there go to "blend" > "barrels.blend" > "Groups"
- Append the group "Barrel"
How to create a new imprint
- Open an image editor of your choice (Photoshop, GIMP, MS Paint,...)
- Open the image "template.png" (/tex/text/template.png)
- Start designing your imprint on a new layer on top of the template
- Once you finished your design, delete the layer with the template on it
- Export the file as an png-image with an alpha layer (That's important)
- You can now import the label in Blender (see below)
How to set the imprint on the barrel
- Select the cover of the barrel
- Open the node editor of the material "Barrel_planks"
- Look for the bright red image node in the node editor
- Open your desired texture in there
All textures/HDRs in this pack are either self-made or created by another person who licensed them under the CC0 license.