Winterify Deluxe (With Free Pack)

by Lazy3D in Modifier Setups

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.

  • Marc
    4 months ago

    It's not bad on the algoritms work. It's well designed in terms of using geometry nodes etc.

    What has to be noted :

    I just feel this addon is not made for beginners. I'm not a beginner and I still had to tweek a lot in some situations. You must understand how to work with geometry nodes directly in some cases like using Extreme PBR textures and sometimes, some settings should have been let at off on start because they prevent the snow to appear and it may leads to some bad understanding.

    We'd appreciate more documentation too because in some situations , I had to figure which settings was causing a bad look etc .... but it's VERY FUNNY to use once you understand what the creator tried to do. With a bit of updates, this could become VERY NICE and for the moment , it seems to be the more complete and complex winter simulation / assets. It's very powerful and it will have a very nice future if the author puts just a bit more efforts on it. Also, I understand it's not really an addon but textures, procedural assets and simulations based on geometry nodes so I don't remove stars for the " lack " of documentation. Just learn to do geometry nodes and shading nodes ... and you will find naturally most of things and what they're up to.

    I want to be fair as Blendermarket is a one time payment and IT are working hard to give us stuff at a very very low price. The addon has already 7 months out but ... it's so full of things that I understand it can be a bit longer to get a real final feeling on some things , that some settings may be too high at start , causing misinterpretation.

    If you're a geek used to find your way with nodes ... this addon is a fantastic thing. Just note using some texture addons like Extreme PBR may complicate a bit the process and force you to go in Geo-Nodes panel linking manually some stuff.

    I watched other snow addons and all of them were inferior or looked inferior to this pack of geo-nodes and textures and assets. For the same price, some offer only one little aspect of this Winterify .

    With Winterify , you can do all your scene. You won't need an addon for snowfall , another for fast-generating snow etc. I prefer having all the kit of geometry nodes etc ... a bit more complicated on the learning curve but way more versatile . I didn't try the physical things like footsteps but I'm sure it works as the rest works.

    Just be patient and ask the creator if you have questions, he's pretty quick.

    I know , it's big ( there is a lot of stuff in the pack ) , it's scary a bit on the start but if you give a try and take time ... it's a good choice. Just creating a panoramic view in mountains with snow and snowfall is very amusing and once you understand the thing , it's very fast to work on.

    Thanks to share this pack to us. For 35$ , it's not a steal even if it's not user friendly as other packs yet . If you're a serious creator , you won't regret it.

  • Mark Willner
    10 months ago

    Looks like a solid tool set but it needs some useful tutorials since the deluxe pack is large.

  • Solid Snake
    11 months ago

    Great set of tools and assets to create realistic winter scenes.

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  • $35
  • 2 PBR Procedural Materials + 4 Generators

  • Procedural stuff: Simulators, geo-nodes, shader nodes and 4 materials + 1 demo scene

  • All content+demo files


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Sales 100+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 12 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Creative Commons