Product Description:
Please read product information carefully before purchasing.
1. Product Compatible with : Blender, Iclone 8 and CC4
2. Format file:
• Blend-Blender 3.6- One Blender All motion
• FBX Blender- One Fbx All motion
• iAvatar- Iclone8_CC4 and rlmotion
3. Frame Rate: 60 Fps
4. Textures: PBR_Yes
• DiffuseMap PNG 4096 x 4096
• NormalMap PNG 4096 x 4096
• AoMap PNG 4096 x 4096
• DisplacementMap PNG 4096 x 4096
5. Motions: 02_Fly, Fly_Idle
6. Rigging: Yes
7. Plugins (Addon): No
8. Customize products as required: No
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