Weight Paint Helper

by GreenJadeLeaf in Addons

"Weight Painting and Vertex Groups are tightly related. Unfortunately, vertex groups tools are somewhat lacking as of Blender 3.1.0. There are no direct ways of managing multiple vertex groups at once for example. When rigging meshes, vertices can often be affected to the wrong groups, removing them from these groups takes a lot of time. This is one case among many. This addon tries to provide tools to reduce the gap."

Note : Sync options are intended to be used with less than 1000 vertices.

Content :

  • Quick access to weight paint settings
  • Parent object to a bone by vertex group weight
  • Apply a Data Transfer Modifier to multiple objects to transfer vertex weight
  • Remove unused vertex groups from selected objects
  • Remove vertices groups according to threshold
  • Limit total number of groups per vertex
  • Parent mesh to armature with Remesh
  • Batch assign vertices to multiple vertex groups
  • Batch create, remove, clear vertex groups for selected mesh objects
  • Vertex Groups List
  • Vertices List

Experimental :

  • Batch edit vertices weight on a spreadsheet list

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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 3.5
License GPL
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weight painting vertex groups automatic-weight