Wastebin 001
To render an example, simply open wastebin001.blend an press F12.
The wastebin objects are approximately 17k tris, the bucket inside is a separate object of 2500 tris.
The materials render in Cycles and in Eevee and come in two variants:
- Object Wastebin001_4k comes with a full complement of 4k PBR texture maps,
- and Wastebin001_proc is mainly procedural: it has only a 4k normal map and a 2k 'Tidyman' logo.
The Bucket object has procedural materials only.
To append either the textured or the procedural version of the wastebin, it is easiest to append the appropriate Collection:
- File -> Append ...
- browse to wastebin001.blend
- go to Collections
- select either Wastebin001_proc or Wastebin001_4k
Each collection consists of
- the main Wastebin001 object
- a Bucket object parented to the wastebin
- an armature parented to the wastebin
(just a single bone that allows for easy animation of opening and closing the lid)
Additional content
The file wastebin001.blend also contains the (disabled) collections of the separated low and high poly mesh elements that were used to baked the normal map and create the textures.
The file is set up as a short turntable animation that you can render with ctrl-F12 (just remember to configure a suitable output folder for the frames)
Models and material: (c) 2020 Michel Anders
The pictogram for the 'International Tidyman' is copyright free
World environment HDR: CC0 HDRI Haven