Vonnbots Rig

by CG Cookie in Models


The VonnBot Rig family is a pack of three expertly crafted character rigs. These robotic characters were conceptualized by Tim Von Rueden, modeled by Jonathan Lampel & Jonathan Williamson, shaded and textures by Kent Trammell & Jonathan Lampel and rigged by Wayne Dixon.

Rig Features:

Each model includes a custom python script that will display the rig UI in the properties panel (n panel). 

  • Limited Facial Controls

  • Stretchy/bendy Limbs

  • Stretchy Torso

  • IK/FK Arms

  • IK/FK Legs

  • IK Parent switching

  • Rig UI:

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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 7 years ago
Software Version 2.82, 2.81, 2.8, 2.7x
License Royalty Free