Vertex Group Rename
How to install
- Go to the "Edit" window> "Preferences" > "Add-ons" > "Install"
- Look in your directory for the compressed file and select it.
-Activate it in the addons window
Where it is
In the 3Dview window in the "Sidebar", pressing "N" will open or close it,
it is also possible to access the Sidebar in the 3Dview menus > View > Sidebar
In the Sidebar, the plugin will appear as a "Tool" panel > Batch Rename Vertex Groups
How to use
Find and Replace
Keep the object that contains the vertex group, use the Find fields to find the symbols you want to replace and Replace to define the new symbols, click on Apply Find and Replace for the replacement to happen.
Prefix and Sufix
To add prefixes and suffixes, simply use the fill box to add new names or symbols and click Apply Prefix/Sufix
If you want to add just a prefix, there is no need to fill in a suffix, and vice versa.
Once you add a prefix or suffix it will become part of the vertex group text/name
If you want to remove prefixes or suffixes, you must use find and replace
putting the name defined in find and leaving the field empty in replace, when clicking on apply, it will remove what is written in find
Just like in the standard batch rename, we must always be careful with the choice of symbols, letters and numbers that we choose to replace, as this can compromise the entire text, for example:
if we want to change the "l" to "r" at the end of the text "cloth.l"
we will use ".l" in find so that it recognizes it accurately and replaces it with ".r"
If we don't add this "." it will change the "l" in the syllable "clo" leaving the text "croth.r" instead of "cloth.r"
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batch rename vertex sufix and prefixe vertex rename rename replace name vertex group vertex group rename