Vdm Baker

by in Addons

Easy-to-use new vector displacement map baker for the blender.


VDM baker installs as default blender addon installs. Below are the details.

  1. Go to preference >>> head to addon tab
  2. Click on install >>> select the zip file
  3. Enable it >>> head to the N panel
  4. You are done

How to use?

Here is how you use it for baking your VDMs

  1. Select mesh that contains VDM data
  2. Create an image or select an image if already exists
  3. Click to bake it
  4. Preview your VDM and save it.
  5. You are done


Here is the result of VDM through VDM Baker.


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Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 1
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Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
License GPL
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