Valeria is a six year old girl, she love cupcakes, and her little brother Astro
Valeria have a bendy and flexible rig, and magic in the facial rig , it is designed to mimic the stop motion animation, Take a look at the pose library to get an idea of how facial rig works, and when switching between facial shapes use constant interpolation.
a couple of tricks: to add more facial expressions, many shapes can be transformed and thus get extra shapes, for example, by scaling the "mouth" control in normal Y -1 all the smiley shapes become sad, the trick is to perform these climbing transformations also using constant interpolation.
Astro and Valeria look better on Ortogonal cameras
* IK chains for the limbs
* Switchable stretch for the limbs
* Tweaking controls
* An unique facial rig
* A picker selector (X-pose picker add-on is not included in the download)
As well the rig can be handle as is, I recommend use the X-Pose Picker and bone Selection set add-on (this last one is include in blender)
The genius developer of the X-pose picker has kindly granted us a 10% discount on the add-on using the code coroto10