Urbaniac! Streets, Roads And Highways

Urbaniac! in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 7 ratings by the community.

  • Marko
    6 months ago

    "Urbaniac! Streets, Roads and Highways" is a Great addendum to Your Urbaniac! Collection.

    These Assets / Roads are Very Detailed and of High Quality!!! Are Easy to Customize, and they Look so Real!!!

    Personally I've got all the Urbaniac! Installements; wich started at First Testing out, the Free Version of "Urbaniac! City Asset Pack - Free";

    Then I Had to Get Step by Step All the Full Versions of Urbaniac! "City Asset Pack" + "Building Generator" + "Streets Roads and Highways" + "Industrial District" and the latest "Law Inforcement" to this Great Collection.

    I must add, that I also personally own, all the most Popular City Generators on BlenderMarket; But Urbaniac! Remains my Favorit; because You're not Retricted to Only One Kind of Buildings; But You've got a Whole Universe that You Can Customise, from Different Buildings Types, Industrial Zones, Police Station, Stores, Roads Highways, Trash...
    And You Can Control all the Assets from the Interface of the Urbaniac! Addon!!! Amazing!!!

    This is all my Personal Opinion (no Affiniation to the Creator); and I would Sugget to use the Coupons available on the Porduct Pages, if You Intend to Expand Your Urbaniac! Library, because it's Worth It!!!

    So Thanks "Urbanic! Team" for this Amazing New Product & Please Continue Your Creative Job!!! ;)

  • Ibrahima
    7 months ago

    Hi, great addons. Can you explain how to install at the same time Urbaniac! Streets, Roads And Highways and Urbaniac! City Asset Pack. I use Blender 4.1.

  • R_O
    8 months ago

    Bravo Patricio, it's a pleasure to work with your addon! I think a couple of things would make this addon even better: a low-poly version of the assets and a single-click bake option. Just to have one image on one UV, this seems to be loved by most of inhouse editors of moddable video games. Thanks for your GREAT work!

  • Marc
    9 months ago

    This is a great addon

    The truth ? I was disapointed with other addons of the same type. Some are too much automated and not enough customisable.

    With Urbaniac , you have more quality and then you downgrade on the need. It's pretty much the way I see it. There is still some down I found but not deal breakers. I'd just like a more complete text way to go for all the small details like one that caused a RAM loop bug. If some of you buy this addon , just note there are important modifiers to apply in some situations if you don't want to freeze your PC . Espescially on the street lights in this addon and the City Asset Pack. Some are really well made but the BEVEL and SUBDIVISION not applied to them is a high caution. I tried to duplicate linked without realizing there were modifiers and ... my entire 96GB or RAM was fulled at the second I went to Preview Mode . I don't know why , if you duplicate linked ( ALT-D ) lights to make an entire street ... after some , all your RAM will quickly be " sucked " . I don't know if it's Blender native code related or Urbaniac related but it was a panic here as my PC is pretty high end. I was beginning to wonder if I'd have to get 3 x 4090 TI GPU's to create and finalize a small city.

    Blender is sometimes not easy so I try to not be rude. That said , I never thought pretty basic Bevel and a 2x subdivision on basic objects like these could bust my near 100GB RAM . It's impressive when it happens but I finally realize it wasn't the Duplicate method that crashed but the modifiers I had to apply .

    So , each time you spawn an object , like props ... check what effects you can apply. Set it like you want , apply and then duplicate. I used to do it when I was creating myself but when using addon , it wasn't always a reflex like in this case. I'm used to pretty basic addons but in facts it's a good thing to have a good quality object you can easelly downgrade a bit on the need. It's just the documentation that could be more direct and clear on these small details. Reading it would have triggered in me a question with this bug : " Could it be modifiers " ?

    That said , I love Urbaniac addons and ... yes , even if I had a bit of bugs , the creator is not a bad guy and tries to do his best. ... I guess. Give it a try. Just beware your a bit put in discovery mode and double check on props. For roads etc ... all is ok but if you don't want RAM failure , check a lot on street lights modifiers etc . We want modifiers , I don't complain about it , it's perfect . Just a good advice it will cause RAM failure not to apply some modifiers would avoid some RAM loops . In my case , for only a side of my medium street , applying modifiers of my street-lights made my RAM go from 87gb taken to ... 24 gb .... with the same amount of street lights. That's the only thing I dislike a bit on Blender addons . They are sometimes a bit light on the documentation or ... said to be user friendly but. ... there are always some little hints the users should be just reminded about. Maybe it's more with the CAP addon but there are some props too in this one so I'd be aware about it if I was you. That said , in an architectural point , these addons are very very nice .

    Continue the good work ! The Sync button and snow , water options etc ... it's very nice . I had a conflict with 2 addons with the Sync button but once I found a workaround , I loved the way it modulate our city. :)

    Generally , I'd give

  • Iconic Tony
    9 months ago

    This is such an amazing pack. The only thing i would like to see is a better street selection, that possibly contains an 8 lane road. Other than that everything is very good.

    • Patricio Massun

      9 months ago

      ¡Hi Tony! Thanks for the 5 stars! We are working on improved street sections with roundabouts and more street types! You can check them out on our Discord server -> announcements. Or wait a couple of weeks until the new version is released!

  • uwu
    11 months ago

    Really useful addon, 100% recommended. Materials are sweet too, can even add snow and make the road wet, pretty neat.

  • sonicchuck
    over 1 year ago

    Amazing pack. This and the City pack are going to save me a TON of time. Thank you!

    • Patricio Massun

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you for your support! Have fun with the add-ons!

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Sales 700+
7 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
License Royalty Free