Unbevel Along Across Loops

by APEC in Addons


Edge menu - Unbevel Along/Across Loops (at the bottom)


RMB (right mouse button click) - Unbevel Along/Across Loops (at the bottom)


Select loop edges along or across beveled loop and use script.

  • Along - unbevel selection along beveled loop
  • Across - unbevel selection across beveled loop
  • Whole Beveled Loop - if need to unbevel whole beveled loop
  • Bevel Scale - beveled loop scale control
  • Remove Doubles - weld vertices if bevel scale 0

Demo 1:

Demo 2:

Demo 3:

Demo 4:

Demo 5:

Demo 6:

Demo 7:


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Sales 10+
1 ratings
Published 6 months ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
License GPL
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unchamfer unbevel control loop