Ultimate Best Selling Addon Pack (15 Addons)

by EdenWeby 3D in Addons

The Year is Ending and i have been developing addons on BM since 2020 so I have put together one big package of 15 Addons at an affordable Price Offer Limited This Bundle contains some of our Best Amazing Addons and we do this Every End of the Year, Where I package the best selling addons of the year in one pack for you

The Addons above are the ones that are in this pack but am going to talk about the top 4, click those links to read more about them

Quake Motion Camera

No more using motion tracking to create realistic camera motion or handheld effects for your angle shots, no more fcurve crap, this addon creates all that for you with just one tap, its all procedural

you buying this plugin will support blender and me to continue updating and developing more great things in the future for you guys

Ninja Camera Movements Tutorial

This addon makes animating hand held cameras for your scene extremely easy adding an extra realism to your camera angle shots,
it comes with handy camera tools like camera shake, camera switcher, camera motion and so many others

you do not need any knowledge of advanced animating because everything is done with one click of a button and maybe a few tweaks

Quick Easy Animate

Fcurve Modifiers Made Easy

After animating some property in Blender using keyframes you can edit their corresponding curves. When something is “animated”, it changes over time. This curve is shown as something called an F-curve. Basically what an F-curve does is an interpolation between two animated properties. In Blender, animating an object means changing one of its properties, such as the object’s location, or its scale.

the scene above  animated using quick easy animate or quake easy animate, you want

As mentioned, Blender’s fundamental unit of time is the “frame”, which usually lasts just a fraction of a second, depending on the frame rate of the scene. As animation is composed of incremental changes spanning multiple frames, usually these properties are not manually modified frame-by-frame, because:

  • It would take ages!

  • It would be very difficult to get smooth variations of the property (unless you compute mathematical functions and type a precise value for each frame, which would be crazy).

This is why nearly all direct animation is done using interpolation. (from blender)


this addon simplifies animation for you who has no time to set everything right from helicopter waving side to side to something levitating or a rotor rotation, this addon does it all

Take this addon as the simplest way to use Fcurve Modifiers, like Noise, Sin Generator and many more

NOTE: the above GIF framerate is lower than the actual framerate meaning the propeller is rotating faster than that, check video to see

Burst Addon

This addon creates bursts that you can use as water splashes, Ground burst explosions, snow bursts, paper bursts, and all kind of debris flying around, its so simple to use and customizable to your liking


  • 12 Presets
  • Fully customizable
  • Can be placed anywhere you want the burst to be
  • You can add smoke manually
  • Custom Debris, you can use stones or snow or papers or water drops anything 

Sound React Addon

This addon makes any animatable property in blender react to sound, any audio file can react to any property on blender as long as it's data path is accessible at any specific frequency or range or from the presets provided, you can make a cube scale on the bass and a sphere scale on the highs to make something cool

sound can react to scale, location, rotation or any animatable property, using this addon you make a property animate on one specific frequency, or from the presets provided

  • Bass - property reacts to bass
  • Kicks - property reacts to kicks
  • Mild - property reacts to melodies, snares voices and more
  • High -  property reacts voices, high notes and more
  • Treble - property reacts to voices of women, kids, snares and more
  • Full - property reacts to any frequency

Scifi Elements Addon

Scifi Elements is an awesome plugin for creation of scifi Environments, scifi HUD and so many others, this addon comes with functions that make you animate and customize your scifi elements combination

Scifi Elements Demo

Scifi HUD Addon

Scifi HUD is an awesome plugin for creation of scifi HUD Inerfaces this addon comes with functions that make you animate and customize your scifi HUD combination

Over 160+ Elements

For more information or Bug Reports, Send me a message on my Blender Market Store, Thank You

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Sales 40+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL