Procedural Tree
UitTree is a node group in the geometry node for creating procedural trees.
You can make a tree from the trunk and branches procedurally starting from scratch.
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UitTree Version 4.2 Blender 4.2 :
Add 'Spline Resolution' parameter.
Add some node groups.
Optimization and Addition of UitTree Version 2.6 Blender 3.5+ :
- Change of node and socket names.
- Add UT BRANCH DISTRIBUTION ON VERTICES for distribution on Vertex (you can add branches on mesh/3d scan mesh with vertex group).
- Add UT BRANCH DISTRIBUTION ON FACES for distribution on Faces (you can add branches on mesh/3d scan mesh).
- Add UT GEOMETRY MODIFIER to modify geometry (not curve).
- Add UT UVMAP VIEWER to view UVMap.
- Add some more nodes.
- Add a separator with a colored socket.
- Remove some sockets.
UitTree hasn't updated after a long time, actually I've been working a lot on updating it. You can also find Nodes used to create Stylized Vegetation, although they are categorized as Development nodes.
1. Create a Tree Procedurally with Geometry Nodes in Blender.
2. Create Tree Presets and Play Parameters Freely.
3. Apply Modifiers and Make Objects.
4. Create Animation.
5. Catalog for easy node management.
6. View height, width, and radius information while modeling.
7. Add Animation in Each Branch.
What you get:
1. The main product is a Blender file that contains a Mark Asset Node Group. Catalog has been added in the latest version. Read the README file for installation.
2. An example of a finished procedural tree in old versions.
3. Simple documentation v1.0.
Node Type UitTree V2.3 :
- Trunk Nodes
- Root Nodes
- Branch distribution nodes and modifier nodes
- Leaf distribution nodes
- Tool nodes
1. Create realistic or stylized trees using procedural geometry nodes.
2. Procedurally control branches, tree radius, and leaf distribution.
3. Can create own model tree shape with curves and integrated in geometry node.
4. Can unwrap UVMap.
5. It has many features that allow you to customize branches, such as twist, weight, noise, rotation and many others.
6. Has 3 distribution branches.
7. Can control the orientation of the leaves.
8. The basis of UitTree uses geometry nodes, if you are familiar with them, it will be easier to work with each parameter in the node group.
Problem :
1. Even though each mesh can be joined by a union, the connection topology is still not perfect.
2. Even though UVMap can be unwrapped automatically, it's still not neat and for some cases, the orientation is still not the same.
Fix UV Map | Convert UitTree Procedural Tree to Single Object
3. To create a realistic tree, knowledge of tree topology is required.
Tutorial :
1. How to Make a Tree with Geometry Nodes in Blender (6) | UitTree 2.3
2. How to Make a Pine Tree with Geometry Nodes in Blender (4) | UitTree V2.0
3. How to Make a Tree with Geometry Nodes in Blender (2) | UitTree V1.1
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