Uebridge (Free Trial) Blender +Unreal Engine5 + Substance 3D Painter + Photoshop Version:1.3
Save the time of importing and exporting between the two software, quickly check the editing results, supported software Unreal Engine/Blender/Substance 3D Painter/Photoshop.
Tutorial and Demo Video:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi6phOZmy2XA48HC9mZfQMfiMo8n4FRT8
trial-version Free 10-day trial(Unzip and install in the directory 【..ue\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace】):
Skilled use of this plug-in can achieve a very fast workflow.
basic introduction:
It can be used to quickly edit scenes in the Unreal Mall and quickly create your game.
Create a large number of assets and quickly view the results.
Support for editing assets: static mesh, skeletal mesh, skeletal animation, texture, level sequence, geometry cache.
Features: baking textures, baking vertex animation textures, editing level examples
Transfer assets back and forth between the following procedures:
other plugins:
Recommended version:3.1, 3.2、3.3
Adobe Substance 3D Painter
Recommended version:3.1, 3.2
Adobe Photoshop
Recommended version:23.3.2, 23.4.154
Generally, versions with little difference are compatible up and down
Resource tags:
Most resources of this plugin will be marked and can be renamed/moved
unreal engine: document: managed by the user, resource (such as static mesh): assign a unique ID and save it in the '/Game/UEBridge/UEBridge/objinfo.objinfo' object, support resource renaming and move operations (delete '/Game/UEBridge/UEBridge' /objinfo.objinfo' will cause the reference to be lost)
blender: the document is managed by the user, resources (such as asset:static mesh): assign a unique ID and save it in the bpy.data.node_groups["objinfo"] object, support resource renaming and moving operations (delete bpy.data.node_groups["objinfo"] ] will cause the reference to be lost)
photoshop: Document: Assign a unique ID folder, which is stored in the C:\Users\{you user name}\AppData\Roaming\UEBridge\setting.ini file specified by the ps_path property item
Substance painter: Document: Assign a unique ID folder, saved in the C:\Users\{you user name}\AppData\Roaming\UEBridge\setting.ini file specified by the pt_path property item
C:\Users\{you user name}\AppData\Roaming\UEBridge\setting.ini
port_start: Specifies the socket port used by the plugin (can be changed if port occupancy occurs)
cache_path: Specify the cache directory. The files in this folder will be emptied periodically to save the files needed by the plugin to exchange resources, such as fbx gitf png
pt_shortcut: Specifies the shortcut key used by substance painter
Published | about 2 years ago |
Blender Version | 3.3 |
License | Royalty Free |
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