True-Assets | The Upgraded Asset Browser

by True-VFX in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 19 ratings by the community.

  • phil_creations
    10 months ago

    Great add-on, I´m using it for about a year now. I mainly used it for renderen asset thumbnails, but recently to manange my libaries. Especially great when you have asset libaries were every asset has it´s owb blend file. Thanks for this addon :D

    Btw if you have some weird problems don´t hesitate asking them on their Discord, the support was really fast and helpful in my case :D

  • DoctorMorDi
    about 1 year ago

    The latest update is HUGE! Thanks for letting us legacy users have full access to all the new features. FBX and OBJ support is probably the feature that I find most useful, but access to ambient CG in Blender is also pretty sweet. Whats next? An AI that generates scenes from your assets based on prompts or images? :D

  • Dominick Critelli
    about 1 year ago

    tl:dr 100% worth it despite a few hiccups. It's an absolute time saver and well implemented.

    -Saves a ton of time. Two tons maybe
    -Excellent implementation. I was a little hesitant to buy because I wasn't sure I wanted a whole separate asset browser but thankfully it doesn't work that way. It integrates heavily into the standard browser. Basically, it's a set of tools to enhance the built in browser and that's perfect! Exactly what was needed.
    -The processing of models is sublime and the Kitbash3D integration is super fantastic. Almost worth the price alone just for that. But pair the KB3D integration AND the AmbientCG textures? That makes this plugin 5 stars even with the few minor downsides(touchy material & asset importing)
    -Finally got me to process my assets folder which is full of useful stuff that never gets used because it's a hassle to get to. Not anymore. It was super fast to import years of accumulated assets that I now have easy access to.
    -Enables sorting and managing catalogs in a sane way. This is underrated I think.

    **Very minor negatives**
    -Material folders have to be clean and organized or the import will fail. Even then, the import has missed textures on some and grabbed them on others even though the folders and naming convention are set up exactly the same.
    -Model assets are broken up on import. If a file has an assembly of parts in a collection but they aren't joined, it will break them up into separate pieces. Not a big deal but still adds to setup if you want your assets a certain way and I think technical limitations are at play here. They aren't mind readers.
    -I might be asking too much but I would love it if it could process SBSAR files, either downloaded from Substance Assets or exported from Designer/Sampler. That would be amazing, because Adobe's plugin is garbage. But there's probably a technical limitation.
    -Documentation is under a tiny tab that's hidden at the bottom of the panel. Took me a minute to find the actual documentation and not just the year old Youtube videos. Should be linked in the docs tab in Blender Market too. But that's partly my fault.
    -You will want to spend 3 whole days downloading assets just so you can process them with a button click to "have for later just in case". This is probably a positive.

  • Snake Rat
    about 1 year ago

    "This update is FREE to all the people who have purchased True-Assets before March 13th 2023."

    I wish all addon developers would do this since a couple have given me the shaft after owning their addon for less than 6 months and wanting me to pay 2-3 times more for what is essentially a rebranding with one or two additions.

  • Corniger
    about 1 year ago

    What would I be without it... What would Blender be without it!

    - When Blender Asset Browser previews are rendering in blue, some other useless way or not at all - THIS is the way
    - if you don't have time to wiggle some node for 1000s of assets and need to be able to discern colours, with a Cycles (your choice) rendered thumbnail nature assets, THIS is the way.
    - when you can't move assets within catalogues in standard AB without having to open them, THIS is the way
    - when you need to batch import FBX & OBJ, .........
    - when you don't have a ton of time to waste,
    - when you're really disappointed with Blender AB, which could have been a great tool, had it not obviously been rushed

    I've been using this non stop since more than 1 month, every day, for hours - could have been translated to at least a year with 300% loss of motivation
    Mass import to catalogue, sub-catalogue (create before importing!), replacing assets in viewport like in Blenderkit, meshes, groups, materials, repositioning origin to bottom, node groups, you name it. Now even tons of extra assets.

    If you use assets (well... who doesn't) and want to get somewhere - this is money extremely well spent!

  • gary barringer
    about 1 year ago

    Loved this Addon when i bought is few months back. But 4.0 is TRUELY fantastic. THANK YOU! Glad people like you are here supporting this software.

  • Jake Perl
    over 1 year ago

    If you have a ton of KitBash3D assets, this addon is a Godsend! Kudos to the True-VFX team for listening to us users and adding this feature.

  • Steve J
    over 1 year ago

    This gets 5 stars simply for its ability to split up Kitbash3D files into individual elements. If you've got a few Kitbash3D kits (and I have loads) this is an absolute life saver. Worked like a charm so far, and I think I'll get so much more from these kits than ever before. And the HDRI Worlds will get plenty of use too!

  • bopcn
    almost 2 years ago

    It should be the most useful assistant tool of asset browser at present, especially in sorting out Blender project files. However, its material and HDRI the way of generating are unique, so it is not suitable for all occasions. If the future version can customize these contents, it will be a great product.

  • Marco
    almost 2 years ago

    Really useful, but it would be great if I could mark collections as an library asset.

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Sales 1300+
Downloads 600+
Customer Ratings 19
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.6
License Royalty Free
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