Tree Generator

by Felicia White in Modifier Setups

-There is no plugin, and no installer. It will just work when you open it. 

-To use it in another blender file, you can just copy it from 1 file and paste it in another. Or append the object. 

-the file isn't made to be exported, it can be though. Follow these steps in blender before exporting the FBX

-When Exporting the step that takes the longest is unwrapping the bark. You could get around this by doing tri-planar projection in the destination software for the bark only. 

-If you are confused, or have more questions feel free to ask. You can also find me on discord if you would rather talk there

Sales 500+
Customer Ratings 2
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Published about 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Render Engine Used arnold, blender-internal, blender-game-engine, cycles, eevee, freestyle, luxrender, mental-ray, octane, vray, yafaray
License Creative Commons
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