Toyota Corolla Wrc
Colour schemes
There are 4 different colour scheme texture sets:
01 - Toyota Castrol Team
02 - Martini Racing
03 - TSV Total
void - an "empty" texture for creating custom colour schemes.
Every texture set consists of 4 maps:
- base_diffuse0x.png - for diffuse and glossy shaders, used by "base" and "glass" materials,
- base_alpha0x.png - alpha for mix shader, used by "glass" material,
- wheel0x.png - for diffuse and glossy shaders, used by "wheel' and "tyre" materials,
- wheel_bump.png - for displacement input, used by "tyre" material, universal for every texture set .
Moving the model and parts
The whole model is easy to move/rotate by selecting either the "Corolla_WRC" group or the "chassis01" object, which is the root parent.
Front wheels turn can be modified by rotating the "axle_FL02" and "axle_FR02" objects along their local Z axes.
Hood can be opened by rotating the "chassis_hood" object along its local X axis.
Trunk can be opened by rotating the "chassis_trunk01" object along its local X axis.
Doors can be opened by rotating the "chassis_door_L" and "chassis_door_R" objects along their local Z axes.