The Ultimate Gobopack - (The Newest, Biggest And Most Unique Light Textures Available)

by The Blenderender in Render Setups

Can I use this Gobopack for Commercial Projects?

Yes, but you're not allowed to redistribute or resell The Ultimate Gobopack. Feel free to use the Gobos in any render for clients or for yourself. 

If I have requests for gobos to be added in future versions, where can I do it?

You can send me an e-mail on or feel free to leave a comment under one of my youtubevideos. I also have a Discord where you can ask questions. 

Does this work with Linux?

I don't have Linux myself so I haven't tested it. However, if Linux is able to Unzip zipfiles and open Blender, then it should be fine. 

Can I use this in other 3D programs?

No, at this point it is only available for Blender. You can send me a message if you're using another 3D program if you want this Gobopack.


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Sales 30+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free