The Legends About Lost Civilisations

by CGjazziQ in Models

In our world each thing has its own intresting story..
And this book is not an exception...
The book written by Capain John Crappyliar. This book describe about plenty mysterious legends,and places. Which are full of horrors and curses.
And the book alike the Captain spread many different legends,
about which the peoples at all seven seas have ever heard.
In this book the Captain described most far,and neglected corners our earth.
Where the simples and brave seafarers, found own perdition. While the other seafarers, announced these places cursed.
Somebody think about the Captain that he is an charlatan and tipical liar, and in addition inveterate drinker. And his book is not cost a penny.
Somebody consider that the Captain's storys is truthful.
And all what is writed in this book is the cristal true.
But who knows, who knows, the stories in this book are really true, or filled cunning and quirky lie...

What included:

Photorealistic optimized LOW poly model (single mesh ) ( ! )
Single UV ( ! )
Real world scale ( ! )
Optimized single mesh ( ! )
Faces - 160,  Verts - 316 ( ! )


*** Included 2 Normal maps - DirectX and OpenGL + Ambient Occlusion

All textures PBR and are dimensions - 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096
px. (in *.png
and *.jpg formats)


If You have some problems with my model, or textures pack, write me, and I will
try to resolve this troubles.

I think my model will like to You. :)
I'm open to suggestions, both from individuals and companies.

Thank You, for purchase.

With best regards - Jazzik


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 7 years ago
Software Version 2.79
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Textured
License Royalty Free