The Infinite Industrial Package For Cycles
***For the demo videos, full imagery and complete details of each product in this package, please refer to the individual product pages, the links are below as these pages contain only a preview of each Builder.***
The IMB -
The IBB -
The Infinite Industrial Package comes with The Infinite Brick-Wall Builder (previously known as the Infinite Wall Builder) and the Infinite Metal builder, two very powerful procedural shaders that negate the need for lots of RGB textures and the high memory requirements that come with them.
With these two builders, you can can create Industrial style scenes and texture everything with only two shaders, with a 20% discount over buying them separately.
What you'll get;
- The Infinite Metal Builder Procedural Shader for Cycles
- 5 free models
- 3 Custom Scratch maps
- A PSD with 3 scratch maps you can tinker with or make your own.
- The Infinite Brick Wall Builder Procedural Shader for Cycles
- Manuals for both
- Free updates
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