Kinetic Art - Trace Any Shape In "Sand" With Geometry Nodes (Line In The Sand)

by codesignprojects in Modifier Setups

A pure GeometryNodes setup of a "kinetic sand art" effect, with a custom carve object following a user defined curve. This custom "Carve object", here a sphere, displaces the sand grains along its path, tracing out whatever shape you desire. Since the setup is made for ease of use, you can instance any object on the points, and replace the "sand" to any material you wish to draw within.

The strength and speed of displacement is adjustable. With additional controls included, you can create a "fade effect", where the tracks are gradually covered, the handy way to create loops for decorative interior designs, sci-fi effects and so on.


Video here, here, here, and here.



-(Since it is a concept demonstration, it is kept as simple as possible.) The GeoNodes trees are kept clean, the nodes are not contracted into node groups for easier readability and have detailed explanations. You can embellish, refine as you wish.

-(Read the description text when you open the file, it has a lot of useful info)

Sales 10+
Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 3.6, 4.0
License Creative Commons
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