In data parameters of Text object, select which content type you want to use: Multi Text or Numerical Text or None |
Multi Text:
Index of texts list |
Text body |
Add / remove Text |
Change Texts order |
Animate Text apparition by Index |
Num Text:
Num Type : Integer, Float or Time Code |
Padding: number and character used for non numerical: ex: ###120 ---> Pad character is '#' and number is '6' |
Animating value of the integer text |
Number of characters after the dot |
Animating value of the Float text |
Time Code:
Enable / Disable : Hours / Minutes / Secondes / Frames |
Character separator |
Custom Frame Rate |
"Auto value" use rendering parameters and real animation frames. You can add an offset of the frames |
If no 'auto-value', you can animate the time code with this value |
In the 'Animation' Panel, you retrieve all you need to animation the text contents:
Activate Automask to selected Object |
Mapping: Projection Axis and : select UV manipulator |
select Mask Motif |
: Solid or Smooth Alpha |
: Progressiv Apparition : Progressiv Bande witdh : Change Progress Sens |
Negativ Alpha |
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time alpha countdown animation Motion design blender motion graphics Timecode text tome-code apparition 3D text motion graphics Motion design animation counter text numerical blender text animation