Textopbr / Textures To Pbr In 1 Click

by Split Studios in Addons


Simply .... select  textures then click Generate PBR !!


Do you have to create and connect shader nodes each time you create a PBR material ?

What about connecting Height maps ? changing material settings ? adding subd ? .. etc

Or connecting a DirectX Normal map ? Ambient occlusion ?

What about reloading material textures while editing them in external program ?

but even more .... do you want to control textures suffixes for each channel ?

No more bridges, TEXtoPBR works with any PROGRAM or WEBSITE !!

but how ?

TEXtoPBR reads your selected images suffixes, and compares them

to its simple database "json file" ... which you can edit inside blender itself

that's how it knows which texture is corresponding to which channel

All your edits are saved in the json file "data.json"... you can create a backup for future use
or even to use it in other blender versions ... just copy and paste the whole file in its place !

Channels that TEXtoPBR supports are :

Base color

Ambient occlusion







You have the option to invert Green channel for DirectX Normal Textures

or use a Bump map instead for black and white textures

TEXtoPBR  edits all necessary settings if the PBR has Height map or Alpha in it , 
and adds Subd modifier with right settings for 
Height map 

TEXtoPBR  creates mapping node so you can edit PBR location, rotation and scale

If you are editing textures in another program and want to update your textures

inside blender, simply click " Reload Material Textures ", choose your material.. hit OK.

Having any problem ? you can Contact Us and we will help you

Our goal is to build a separate system inside blender to take care of creating PBR from any textures

created from any program or downloaded from any website .... with more control on suffixes,
and more automation for settings , reloading textures .. etc


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Sales 70+
1 ratings
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
License GPL