Terrain Ubershader

by NM-8 in Surfacing

  •  ALL IN ONE 

    • Terrain ubershader is a sophisticated procedural shader that blends 8 textures into a detailed terrain shader for your landscape. 


        • NODING TIME
        • RENDER TIME
        • MEMORY

    • Heavy math for parallax depth for the rocks and gravel, and projection mapping for grass on top of a parallaxed grass ground.

      Terrain Ubershader has  parameters for slope and erosion, to set the grass/soil/gravel/rock ratios.

      All Textures scales can be set, ensuring you can add your own custom images. The textures can be replaced with your own and are located in nodegroups for grass and stone, right next to the ubershaders nodegroup. 

      For the grass bushes that face the camera you can set their size.

      And for their voronoi distribution you can set the scale to adjust the scattering of grass bushes.

      have a look at some  other products including:


      About the Creator: 

      I am 3D artist in the advertising & television industry for 27 years.

      While working on projects and teaching animation at design college since 1998, i studied physics at the university of vienna.
      That equipped me with a solid toolset of math to use in 3D workflows.

      I started programming Blender addons and noding vector operations into shaders around 2012.
      I love how Blender and Cycles offer a lot of opportunities to speed up rendering and fake depth into surfaces in many ways.


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      Sales 10+
      Dev Fund Contributor
      Published 11 months ago
      Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1
      License Creative Commons