Tableware Ceramic
Tableware Ceramic collection is formed by sixteen containers (twenty one meshes).
ButterDish has 192 vertices, ButterDish Cap has 169 vertices; RamekinBig has 258 vertices; RamekinSmall has 258 vertices; MilkPot has 378 vertices, MilkPot Cap has 242 vertices.
BowlSmall has 194 vertices; BowlBig has 194 vertices; CoffeeCup has 284 vertices; CoffeeSaucer has 210 vertices; TeaCup has 284 vertices; TeaSaucer has 210 vertices; and Mug has 290 vertices.
DinnerPlate has 210 vertices; DessertPlate has 210 vertices; SoupPlate has 210 vertices; SugarBowl has 374 vertices, SugarBowl Cap has 242 vertices, SugarBowl Spoon has 104 vertices; TeaPot has 454 vertices, TeaPot Cap has 242 vertices.
Each mesh comes with 2 modifiers: a Bevel with Weight method; and a Subdivision.
UV Maps:
Other Information:
- ButterDish dimensions 80 x 160 x 15 mm,
ButterDish Cap dimensions 80 x 160 x 74 mm;
- RamekinBig dimensions 64 x 64 x 40 mm;
- RamekinSmall dimensions 54 x 54 x 30 mm;
- MilkPot dimensions 162 x 119 x 110 mm,
MilkPot Cap dimensions 109 x 109 x 44 mm;
- BowlSmall dimensions 127 x 127 x 49 mm;
- BowlBig dimensions 156 x 156 x 59 mm;
- CoffeeCup dimensions 101 x 69 x 65 mm;
- CoffeeSaucer dimensions 146 x 146 x 20;
- TeaCup dimensions 121 x 89 x 75 mm;
- TeaSaucer dimensions 166 x 166 x 20 mm;
- Mug dimensions 112 x 79 x 100 mm;
- DinnerPlate dimensions 273 x 273 x 30 mm;
- DessertPlate dimensions 195 x 195 x 25 mm;
- SoupPlate dimensions 195 x 195 x 45 mm;
- SugarBowl dimensions 163 x 109 x 70 mm,
SugarBowl Cap dimensions 99 x 99 x 44 mm,
SugarBowl Spoon dimensions 120 x 22 x 13 mm;
- TeaPot dimensions 190 x 119 x 120 mm,
TeaPot Cap dimensions 109 x 109 x 44 mm.
ButterDish Cap dimensions 80 x 160 x 74 mm;
MilkPot Cap dimensions 109 x 109 x 44 mm;
SugarBowl Cap dimensions 99 x 99 x 44 mm,
SugarBowl Spoon dimensions 120 x 22 x 13 mm;
TeaPot Cap dimensions 109 x 109 x 44 mm.