Table Candle Holder B

by Pixel Digital Arts by Giovanni Lucca in Models

This is a very detailed table candle holder with a brass material.

There are 2 versions of the file:
High Poly (with modifiers enabled): 73.311 faces - With bevel edges and very good for close ups.
Low Poly (without modifiers): 15.862 faces - Still in great detail for almost close shots.

The mesh contains 3 UV maps properly named for:
  • Candle Holder
  • Candles 
  • Flames

The file provided, has all the PBR materials ready for use, with sub surface scattering for the candles and emission for the flames. Also the file is ready for render, with everything properly configured, including a composition adding glow for the flames. Just press F12 to see the final result.

  • The main texture is in 4K resolution with a lossless file format: PNG
  • The candle texture is in 2k also in PNG file format.
  • The flame texture is in 256 x 512 pixels resolution.

Check out my page for more candle holders and ghotic classic chandeliers.

Happy Blending!


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Sales 10+
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.9
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Low & High Resolution, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free