Stylized Forest Generator
Stylized Forest Generator
The Stylized Forest Generator is a completely procedural system that can generate Trees, bushes, and grass and combine them into complex scenes. Within a forest, every tree and bush is generated randomly and can be customized within a few clicks
The Forest Generator comes with a fully procedural Wind System that generates Idle Animations or X-Y-directed wind. The speed and influence of the wind can be changed the get the wanted results.
The trees can be customized with various parameters, such as a Costume Curve or a randomly generated (noise-based) curve. The Leave system is built to align with the camera automatically and every single leave can be, animated using the wind system, individually.
All models generated by the system (by default) use a shader to RGB shader that is able to react to every kind of light. The Materials can be customized or changed within the shader editor with very little effort.
The Stylized Textures can also be changed within the shader editor to look the way needed for your project.
Happy Blending ;)
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