Stipplefx Compositing Filter

by Jonathan Lampel in Render Setups

Getting Started

To use the Stipple Paint node, you first need to append it. To do so, go to File -> Append. Navigate to the StippleFX.blend file, and double click on it. Then choose the NodeTree folder. Choose the node tree Stipple Paint. Now in the compositor, you can Add -> Group -> Stipple Paint to add the node group to your scene. You may want to scale the node sideways a bit so that the input text is readable. By pressing Tab with the node group selected, you can edit its contents if desired.


Dot Scale: Determines the size of the stipple dots. Increasing this will not decrease any shadow detail. For a smooth image, set to zero. Image: Where you should plug the image or movie you want converted. The output scale is going to match the render resolution, so if you are using a different size image be sure to scale it or set the render dimensions accordingly. Color Shade: Define a color for the midtones and shadows. This can be left as a single color, or you can use an image input. Color Tint: Define a color for the highlights. This can be left as a single color, or you can use an image input. Highlight Value: Determines how bright the highlights of the image are. This effects the dot's brightness, spacing, and scale. Highlight Spread: Threshold value defining how much of the image is considered a highlight. Midtone Value: Determines how bright or dark the midtones of the image are. Shadow Value: Determines how dark the shadows of the image are. This effects the dot's brightness, spacing, and scale. Shadow Spread: Threshold value defining how much of the image is considered a shadow. Shadow Pass: Optional input to help tell the node where the shadows are. This can be helpful when they blend in with the background. AO Pass: Optional input to define the image's ambient occlusion. This will really help round out the forms and shapes in the image. AO Fac: Factor for how much of the AO pass darkens the image. Line Weight: Determines how much of the overall image is covered in automatic sketch lines. This effects the value of Line Fill and Freestyle Lines as well. Line Thickness: Sets the thickness of the automatically generated lines. Some may be too thin to see, so increasing this value will cause more lines to appear as well. Line Fill: Value threshold that fills in shadows with complete black. This can be used along with the sketch lines to create great looking comic effects. This value is heavily influenced by the Line Weight Value. Freestyle Lines: Optional input to include Freestyle lines in with the automatic sketch lines. Freestyle lines should have a transparent background in order to work properly. Pattern Offset: Determines where the dots will be placed. This can be used to easily animate them moving across the screen, or to create a film noise look.


Image: The final result of the Stipple Paint node. Tri-tone: Outputs a matte image where all highlights are white and all shadows are black. Midtones are defined by the Color Shade input and Midtone Value. Lines: Output that only displays the results of Line Weight, Thickness, Fill, and Freestyle.


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Sales 40+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 10 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Arnold, Blender Internal, Blender Game Engine, Cycles, Freestyle, Luxrender, Mental Ray, Octane, Vray, Yafaray
License GPL