Stealth Kills Animations - (Motion Cast#10-Vol.1)

by Motion Cast in Models

Here is our first animation pack made entirely of duo animations, centered around the theme of silent assasination that we often find in infiltration video games. We made a point of doing something original. Each animation is truly unique and different from each other. There are animations where the killer kills his victim from the front, from the back, and sometimes even from the side, all with 3 different weapons: a single sword, double swords held upside down, and barehanded. This pack contains 42 animations in duo with the killer and the victim's animation systematically, that is to say 84 original animations in total. All the animations are done in motion capture at 30 FPS and manually retouched. The motion capture was performed by Guillaume Fenot, a real Kung Fu practitioner, and Stéphane Pfeffer, a theatre actor.

I specify that only the animations are sold, the 3D model is only present for aesthetic and technical purposes. In the pack, you will not find any scenery.

List of animations :

24 assassination animations with a single sword (ninjato)

9 assassination animation with two short swords (kodachi)

9 assassination animation with bare hands

All in .blend formats.

For a complete overview of all the animations in this pack, please watch this video:


We would like to improve and offer you the best animations possible, that's why we invite buyers to leave comments on this page, but also to follow us on social networks:




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Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Animated
License Royalty Free