Speckled Plastics Shader Collection For Kitops

by Afrikaniz3D in Surfacing

This library was designed for use in projects that deal with product mock-ups as well as anything that needs a splash of colour introduced. Inspired by the sleek and minimal offerings found on sites such as leManoosh and Contemporist, this simple collection is ideal for anyone looking to subtly liven up any composition.

Each shader is very easy to modify within the shader menu to compose different color combinations that suite personal tastes or requirements, and is set up to make it easy to introduce new color combinations without too much effort.

The speckling is procedurally generated and attributes such as size, scatter and intensity can be modified easily. 

There are currently three (3) variations to this shader - Regular PolySpeck, Ombre, and Iridescent. Translucency has been added to all three variations and is best experienced using the Cycles renderer.

More variations will make their way into this collection in future updates.

Any and all feedback, as well as suggestions, is welcome.

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Sales 100+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 4 years ago
Software Version 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
License Royalty Free