Sp2Blend: Substance Painter Shader

by BlenderBrit in Addons

Please see the linked youTube video for a full breakdown of usage and features.

Substance Painter Maps Supported (Metallic/Roughness Workflow)

SP2BLEND has been setup to accept the five main maps from Substance Painter. When setting up your initial project in Substance Painter select the Metallic/Roughness workflow with OpenGL as the normal configuration. When importing these maps make sure to set all but the base_color map to non-color-data.

  • Base Color
  • Roughness
  • Metallic
  • Mixed AO
  • Normal_OpenGL

Adjustment options:

There are a number of sliders to adjust the influence that the different maps have on the finished materials. By default they are all set to replicate what you see in Substance Painter but allow for further control beyond that if required.

  • Roughness Influence
  • Metallic Influence
  • Mixed AO Influence
  • Brightness, Contrast, Hue and Saturation adjustment to base color texture

Additional Controls:

There are also a couple of controls that are not part of the import process. These are again designed to give you as an artist more control over the final look of the material. Rim lighting is only applied to the metallic parts of the material and the front-facing reflection control only applies to the dielectric parts.

  • Front-facing reflection control
  • Rim Lighting Amount
  • Rim Lighting Color

Preview Map Outputs

As an aid to making adjustments there are also several outputs, the primary 'shader' output is the main one to use but if you connect the other outputs to a emission shader (or simply ctrl+left click with node wrangler) you can preview the following influences during render or render preview.

  • Roughness
  • Metallic
  • AO
  • Dielectric Gloss
  • Metallic Rim


Update 1.1: A complete overhaul of the metallic part of the shader for much more realistic metal results. Some minor changes to presets also.

Known Issues

I will list any known issues in this section based on feedback, they will then be fixed in future revisions.

  • Noticing issues relating to normals on packed textures, may be a Blender issue. Looking into it. For now I'd recommend unpacked textures if you're noticing any problems.




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Sales 700+
17 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 8 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free