Smartist Mapper
SMS Mapper is a Blender addon that creates data visualizations on countries from csv files.
- 255 Countries mesh objects converted from Natural Earth Data
- Easy to use panel in the 3D View.
- 3 Resolution options at 10m, 50m, and 110m scales.
- HD Countries / 10m Resolution / 255 Countries – Pro Version
- MD Countries / 50m Resolution / 241 Countries – Pro Version
- LD Countries / 110m Resolution / 177 Countries
- Custom Geometry nodes setup
- Extrude/Translate Countries by value
- Show custom value and name labels
- Various label options
- Materials Presets. – Pro Version 16K, $1 Version 8K
- Materials Quick Setup panel.
- Projection options.
- Flat
- Sphere
- Disc
- Tube
- Import and export CSV data.
- Starter CSV template provided, update country objects with your own csv data.
- Export CSV data to re-use in other projects.
- Full documentation
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