Smart Object Select

by in Addons

It is possible to select by:

Select one object and set the split parameter and all object with the same name (all that match in the name before the split parameter) will be selected.

Select one object and choose:
> - The object and alla objects that have the same volume and greater volume then this object will be selected
< - The object and alla objects that have the same volume and less then this volume will be selected
= - The object and alla objects that have the same volume will be selected
Volume Match in % - Value to set how good match in volume it should be, 100% = perfect match and 0% no match at all (all will be selected).

Select one object and choose:
> -The object selected and alla objects that have got the same numbers of faces or more faces will be selected
< - The object selected and alla objects that have got the same numbers of faces or less faces will be selected
= - The object selected and alla objects that have the same number of faces will be selected
Face Match in %
- Value to set how good match of faces it should be, 100% = perfect match and 0% no match at all (all will be selected)

Smart Select
All objects that are most likley the same will be selected
Smart Match in % - Value to set how good match it should be, 100% = perfect match and 0% no match at all (all will be selected).

  • $9
  • $16
  • $30

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Sales 50+
1 ratings
Published almost 4 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9
License GPL