Smart Duplication
Smart Duplication provides enhanced versions of the built-in Duplicate and Delete operators, extended with context-aware capabilities to ease multi-object and modifier based workflows.
- The Smart Duplication operator (Ctrl+D by default) duplicates the selected objects and, optionally:
- Duplicates the modifiers that refer to them.
- Duplicates the objects referenced by their modifiers.
- Duplicates their children.
- Adds the new objects to the same collections as the originals.
- The Smart Delete operator (Ctrl+X by default) deletes selected objects, and, optionally:
- Deletes the modifiers that refer to them.
- Deletes the objects referenced by their modifiers.
- Deletes their children.
- Removes them from the collections they were part of.
- The Select References operator selects objects referenced in modifiers by the current selection or the ones referencing the current selection in their modifiers.
Smart Duplication supports every modifier type that references other objects.
Data Transfer | UV Project | UV Warp | Vertex Weight Proximity | Array | Boolean | Mirror | Screw | Armature | Cast | Curve | Hook | Lattice | Mesh Deform | ShrinkWrap | Surface Deform | Warp
Check the MANUAL for complete info.
1.1 Update
- Optionally replace the default duplicate, duplicate linked and delete operators with the ones provided by the addon.
- Optionally enable a pie menu with all smart duplication operators.
- Show the addon shortcuts inside the addon preferences.
1.2 Update
- Make modifier duplication/delete optional.
- Allow duplication/delete of modifier dependencies.
- Allow better handling of object collection.
- Smaller improvements and fixes
- A detailed user manual is now online.