Sky Machine - Custom 2D Skies In Blender

by Oby's little Blender Shop <3 in Surfacing

Sky Machine is an end-all solution for stylized skies.
Everything is customizable and dynamic- all in one easy to use node.

From using it natively in Blender, or baking out custom 360HDRis- this neat little package is guaranteed to speed up your workflow.

What does Sky Machine include?
a fully Dynamic, customizable NPR sky system (material node)
6 Base skies (to be customized by the user)
20 Pre-made HDRi's for use in either blender or other applications


  • Time of Day
  • Time Lapse
  • Base sky variations
  • Native eevee and cycles support
  • every variable can be animated

Can I paint my own base skies?
Yepp!- (just make sure the values and colors are in line with what's included.)

What's the resolution on these skies? 

This product will have long-term support, including free additional sky updates.

Added 2 new skies [Extra Update]


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Sales 100+
3 ratings
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.9
License Royalty Free
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skies eevee clouds NPR Cycles stylized realtime 2d sky