Simply Wrap Pro

by VjaceslavT in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 13 ratings by the community.

  • meeten
    over 1 year ago

    Manual winding with standard tools is tedious, time consuming, and difficult to achieve high quality.
    This add-on saves time.
    The process of wrapping back and forth seems to be a special process, so a combination of standard tools will not be able to do the same thing as this add-on.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you meeten for this rating! Im happy you see the value of the addon to save time and achive your needed quality!
      Thank you! All the best meeten!

  • Rhys Keefe
    about 2 years ago

    Verry powerfull plug in! hard to use at first and you can have problems with certan mesh's but those can normly be solved with some remeshing. I had a big problem with a game mesh but Vjaceslav was able to help me when reaching out. he created a 30 min video on how to work his plug in with my work flow and confusing mesh. im able to create tape and other things realy easly now thanks to him. on top of that the texture pack included with this is reason to buy aswell due to how great it is. i used it on my mesh with some other projects and exsprenced no problems at all! I cant wait to see more from this creator!

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      about 2 years ago

      Thank you Rhys for this epic comment and rating! Im happy I could help you and you get now good results + saving time :D
      Thank you!

  • mitch
    about 2 years ago

    I've been trying to get this addon to wrap some pipes/cables and it is almost worthless. Almost never wraps around the cable, but makes squiggly lines thru the cable and have to modify everything. If you have any videos about how to wrap a twisty cable it would be greatly appreciated.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      about 2 years ago

      Thank you Mitch!
      Sad you dont ask me for help, I could show you why this issues are appear. If the preparation is not given, you will get bad results (like I told in videos - and show what need to be for good wrapping) But now its late. You give a one Star :) Thanks

  • Enis Sahin
    about 2 years ago

    Controls feel unintuitive, curve smoothing while drawing is insanely unpredictable, clipping during simulation, final wrap is "ok" at its best, still requires a lot of afterwork.
    Decent pluging if someone is too lazy to do the curves manually but not a proper workflow enhancement imo.

    An undo button during the curve draw would be pretty neat considering the amount of times the curve would auto project somewhere else.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      about 2 years ago

      Hello Enis,
      im sorry to see you dont have the correct experience. If you have not good start, just get in contact with me and I show you how to get best fluid workflow and results. But for now you give the rating without get in contact first with the developers support.

      So thank you for your time to write a rating.

      All the best
      Vjaceslav Tissen

  • Sam Mansfield
    over 2 years ago

    Awesome product. Does exactly what it says. Made some bandage wraps for my characters arms.
    My only constructive feedback would be that the documentation could be a little more detailed.
    Great product, thank you!

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      over 2 years ago

      Hi Tekgecko,
      thanks for the rating! Nice it works!
      Yes I need to work on update and give the doc a bit more depth.

  • Luka
    over 2 years ago

    Awesome addon, Vjaceslav also took his time to record a video of a problem I had

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      over 2 years ago

      Thank you Luka!

  • Jani Saarelainen
    over 2 years ago

    I haven't play with this long enough but it's already my favorite ones.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      over 2 years ago

      thanks! You understand it if you play a bit with it! But please do backup files for secure ;)

  • Michael
    almost 3 years ago

    Need to have a deep understanding of plugin to get it to do basic jobs properly. Great when it works but hard to wrestle with.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      almost 3 years ago

      Hi Michael :) Why you dont ask me? Its simple for each Blender user :) Its working like described in video :) Please check this or get back to me ask how I can help you to achive your needed result! I have good customer support! Dont know why rating that bad if not trying other cases first.

      I wish you the best and only the best Michael!

  • JaffaDave
    about 3 years ago

    The developer is amazing, I was struggling with a basic issue that I created myself and nothing to fault with the plug-in and he was generous enough to record a step by step video to show where I was going wrong. I would recommend this plug-in and developer to anyone who is looking for a great add-ons and backed up by great service. Thank you again!

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      about 3 years ago

      Thank you Jaffa! for the rating and understanding of support! Thank you so much!

  • Wolfgang Tell
    about 3 years ago

    Great Addon just like the developer who is a great guy

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      about 3 years ago

      Thank you Wolfgang for the nice rating! Im happy you like my addon :)

      All the best

      Vjaceslav Tissen

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  • Full Version of Addon with all Wrap Assets included


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Sales 1500+
13 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 3 years ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
License GPL