Simply Stitch

by VjaceslavT in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 8 ratings by the community.

  • Gregory
    10 months ago

    Great addon!
    It is convenient to quickly and seems to clothes, in the addon settings it is easy to make folds of geometry near the times. There is documentation + videos on YouTube.
    I have not encountered any bugs during my use, but if something happens, you can always ask a question in the discord chat.
    I have a set of simple Clothes + Materials and now another addon in my collection. If you are creating a character and do not want to export to marvelous designer to create clothes, if you need to QUICKLY and WITHOUT GOING TOO DEEP into the process make normal clothes for the characters so that you can animate it later, then a set of these 3 addons will perform all the technical part of the task at an amazing level
    Товарищи, комплект из Simply Cloth, Material и Stitch экономят кучу нашего времени при создании одежды для персонажей, если вы пользуетесь "бесплатными" версиями этих аддонов и они вам реально нравятся, если у вас есть возможность то не пожалейте 2400 или 4700р на их покупку. Эти деньги отобьются за то время, что вы будете использовать аддон. К тому же купив ОДИН раз мы получим все обновления, и, что не маловажно, покажем создателю свое уважение к его труду

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Thank you again Gregory for supporting me and rate my product! Im so happy you support me and write the extra russian text which is showing that much information about you and your thinking! Im happy to have that great supporters like you Gregory!
      I wish you all the best!
      In honor
      Vjaceslav Tissen

  • Succubus
    10 months ago

    I think i'm a bit... how to say, addicted to addons.
    Like my blender when start up takes 20 seconds to load up ...xD
    And sometimes i decide wich addon discard from my pool, but this dude here is always on top, never uninstalled not a single addon made by him, he trully knows what we need to work faster, simply magic.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Wow Thank you for this great rating and your commentary! Im so honored thank you so much! I wish you the best Succubus! Im happy you like my work.

  • Seth Rutledge
    10 months ago

    Really nice, works great :) Would love a tutorial on how to create your own embroidery patterns if that is possible?

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Thank you Seth! The Embroidery Setup I will record on a video in next month perhaps. But yes there will be of course a video how to create own embroideries :)

  • DennG
    10 months ago

    This addon really speeds up my workflow! Now I can do a lot more directly in Blender instead of relying on Substance Painter everytime. Also it is a perfect addition to the Simply addons library, since it perfectly builds upon addons like Simply Cloth.
    I really love the product and the authors support! Keep up the amazing work!

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      wow man! Thank you for rating and comment that detailed. Im happy you see the compatibility of my work! Thank you so much DennG! I try my best!

  • Jordan LaBoon
    10 months ago

    If anyone has tried to make detailed clothing or equipment in blender, knows how difficult it can be. The included Zipper meshes look great and the ease of taking a pattern from lines to stitching in seconds. Absolute Quality work. I would recommend this and all of VjaceslavT's products.

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Thank you Jordan for the nice comment and rating! Im happy you rate my product and understsand the work behind! Thank you so much for recommending my other work.

  • Daniel Meier
    10 months ago

    Another amazing Simply addon and a perfect addition to Simply Cloth Pro!

    It's intuitive to use and gets you impressive results in just a few clicks, I 100% recommend

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Thank you Daniel for the rating and nice comment! Im happy you like my product!

  • Alexander
    10 months ago

    Like all SimplyProducts this is just another amazing tool and library. As a developer its clear a lott was put into this. It's user friendly and lets you get _amazing_ results on normal looking clothes
    Thank you Tissen!

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Wow Alexander! Thank you for the rating too! I'm happy you like it and support me! All the best

  • BVBY
    10 months ago

    so much easier !

    • Vjaceslav Tissen

      10 months ago

      Thanks! I hope that hehe.

  • Displaying 8 ratings

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  • Addon only - no assets included info: you can use this option for commercial purpose

  • All Assets Included - No Addon Stitches, Bolts, Zippers, Embroidery info: you can use this option for commercial purpose

  • Addon + All Assets included info: you can use this option for commercial purpose

  • Industry commercial sector for 3 Seats


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Sales 400+
8 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.1
License GPL