About The Model
Safe 3D model that I made using Blender. This is a safe that has been made using a simple design, simple colours, and custom-made images. The main features of this model are the handle and the duo lock. The duo lock has both a combination lock and a digital lock that uses a numpad.
This model has been divided into several parts allowing them to have their own origin points and being able to manipulate their positions. These key parts include the handle, the combination lock, and the door. These parts are also parented accordingly so that you can manipulate and pose them easier.
Each model part shares the same texture set. This will allow you to join each part together if you wish to create one complete object.
Lighting and Rendering
Included in the blend file you will find that the model has all its textures/materials pre-applied, lighting using the included HDRi, and camera setups. You can use these cameras to render with. Rendered images using the Cycles engine in Blender are included as well as wireframes and some extras.
File Export Types
This model has been exported in one file for each included export type. Along with the blend file the model has been exported in FBX, OBJ, GLTF/GLB, and DAE/Collada file formats. This model uses 2K PBR textures in PNG format and was made using the metalness workflow.
See the documentation for a summary of features. A help file is also included with more information.