Shapekeys Extended

by CASCAS LLC in Addons

Shapekeys Extended is a full overhaul of the shapekey system in Blender with new features and improvements. It hosts all of the same important features with added functionality, quality of life improvements, and additional features - a comprehensive list of all the features can be found below

This add-on is actively in development. Be aware that bugs could exist and cause problems (I've gotten most). If any issues are had please contact me though Discord or Blender Market so I can fix them! :)


  • Hierarchy layout with collapsing groups for organization

  • Moving and reorganizing groups of shapekeys

  • More convenient UI layout

  • All features (new and old) now work in edit mode

  • New "Copy Shapekey" button that will copy the data from the currently selected shapekey to a new one

  • "Apply as Basis" button that will apply the current selected shapekey as the basis and adjust the rest to match

  • "Copy and Split Shapekey" button that will split a shapekey in the middle into left and right, while keeping the original.

  • Any new shapekey will be added below the current selection instead of bottom of list

  • "Remove Shapekey Influence" buttons that will remove/reset the current changes of your shapekey back to default for either your selected vertices or all.

  • "Add Facetracking Shapekeys" section that will let you choose from a list of common face tracking standards such as Vive, ARKit, Meta, UnifiedExpressions, and MMD (jp & en)

  • All default shapekey options are still available but the same improvements

Installation & Usage


To install the blender add-on, open Blender, and go to the top left of the window. Under Edit>Preferences>Add-ons, you can select install from the upper-right corner of the window and select the downloaded ShapekeysExtended-CasTools .zip folder. Once it is installed, you can find it in the add-on list and enable it.


To use the add-on once it's installed, you must selected and active object then go to Properties>Data>ShapekeysExtended. It wil be in the same location as the normal shapekey panel, you may just need it scroll down and drag it up higher in the list. From there, you can use it like the normal shapekey panel but with the added features listed above!

Terms of Service

When purchasing this product, it is assumed that you have agreed the Terms of Use. The contents of the Terms of Use are subject to change, and the latest version shall prevail.

License: GNU GPL 3.0


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Update information

V1.1.0 - Major Update and Bug Fixes

  • Added lock buttons to the shapekey list

  • Added mute buttons to the shapekey list

  • Added "Clear all shapekey weights" button to dropdown menu

  • Fixed issues and improved moving individual shapekeys and groups shakeys and related behaviors (Thank you Ananymous)

  • Fixed bug with adding a shapekey at the bottom of the list

  • Fixed bug with pinning state saving between objects (Thank you hey_zeus)

  • Various small bug fixes

  • Slight performance increase

V1.0.1 - Minor Change

  • Temporarily disable x-mirroring in edit mode when using "Copy and Split Shakekey" to prevent both sides from getting operated on for both left and right.

V1.0 - Full Release

  • Added "Copy and Split Shakekey" option that will make a copy of the active shapekey for the left and right half.

  • Changed UI slightly and how sorting works under the hood to be more reliable and update immediately.

  • Fixed bug with copying a shapekey in edit mode causing shapekey names to be offset. This was caused by not switching modes during the operation. Now every operation enforced the mode that is needed so this should never happen again.

  • Fixed bug where binned shapekey was saved for the scene instead of the individual object.

V0.3 - Initial Test Release


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Sales 30+
1 ratings
Published 7 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type N/A
License GPL
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