"Shaders Plus" - Caustics, Thin Film, Dispersion For Cycles & Eevee (V3 - Modular Update)

by smouse in Surfacing

What is this product?

Shaders Plus essentially is just a collection of all the default shader nodes in Blender, but with new features! These new features being Physically Accurate Thin-Film Interference, Real Time Caustics, and Continuous Dispersion. You use them just like the normal default nodes that we're all familiar with, except now you can get more functionality out of them! These effects help bring you close to the effects seen in industry leading render engines such as Octane, and Redshift.

What is Thin-Film Interference?

Have you ever seen those swirly rainbow patterns in an oil puddle in the road, or on a soap bubble, or on a piece of glass or plastic? This effect physically accurately simulates that effect within Blender! This effect also comes with the necessary controls to finely tune your thin film pattern to match real world references! 

This effect comes enabled on all the shaders, Principled, Glassy, Refraction, Diffuse, and Transparent!

How are the Caustics real time?

These caustics do not rely on refractive light simulation to achieve this look. However, while that can sacrifice realism to some degree, this current effect can get you really far in most cases, especially when even just simple caustics are not at all an option whether it be due to time or budget constraints. This pack solves that for you!

Does this work in Eevee?

Only Thin Film and Dispersion work in Eevee currently. 

However, Thin Film, Caustics, and Dispersion all work in Cycles natively.

Planned support for Eevee caustics in the future.

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Sales 500+
Downloads 300+
Customer Ratings 7
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
Render Engine Used cycles, eevee
License GPL
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